Anna Gillespie, Among the Trees
Anna Gillespie, Captive £6,000.00
Anna Gillespie, Clasp £2,900.00
Anna Gillespie, Earthed £2,500.00
Anna Gillespie, Eat, Sleep, Isolate, Repeat£4,500.00
Anna Gillespie, Forever Young£6,800.00
Anna Gillespie, Hold on to my Heart £9,000.00
Anna Gillespie, How do you Sleep£2,900.00
Anna Gillespie, It Used to be so Simple£2,900.00
Anna Gillespie, Key to my Heart£4,200.00
Anna Gillespie, Let Heaven Go
Anna Gillespie, Pilgrimage£4,900.00
Anna Gillespie, Pilgrimage II£4,900.00
Anna Gillespie, Punched Through£1,900.00
Anna Gillespie, Quest £3,500.00
Anna Gillespie, Reeling£3,900.00
Anna Gillespie, Repose£3,900.00
Anna Gillespie, The Unwise £2,600.00
Anna Gillespie, To the Limit III
Anna Gillespie, Tomorrow Never Comes £3,500.00
Anna Gillespie, Trust
Anna Gillespie, Weightless £4,200.00
Anna Gillespie, What have we Done£3,600.00
Anthony Scott, Conn (Bull) , 2024£4,800.00
Anthony Scott, Seated Wolfhoun, 2023£3,600.00
Anthony Scott, Small Grazing Foal, 2024£5,000.00
Beth Carter, Bacchus with Grapes£3,000.00
Beth Carter, Birdman £16,800.00
Beth Carter, Boy Brave£3,800.00
Beth Carter, Broken Carnival£10,800.00
Beth Carter, Clockwork Bear£2,300.00
Beth Carter, Crowmask II£3,900.00
Beth Carter, Farewell Carousel£10,200.00
Beth Carter, Fighting Clowns I£3,750.00
Beth Carter, Fighting Clowns I£3,750.00
Beth Carter, Fighting Clowns II£3,750.00
Beth Carter, Fighting Clowns II £3,750.00
Beth Carter, Fighting Clowns III
Beth Carter, Fighting Clowns III£3,750.00
Beth Carter, Fool£3,300.00
Beth Carter, Giant Crouching Minotaur
Beth Carter, Giant Minotaur Reading£12,800.00
Beth Carter, Giant Standing Minotaur
Beth Carter, Girl in Boat£3,200.00
Beth Carter, Grinder's Monkey£6,000.00
Beth Carter, Horsechild£10,800.00
Beth Carter, King Minos£5,700.00
Beth Carter, King Minos ¾ Study£5,700.00
Beth Carter, Large Minotaur Bust (with Bird)£9,900.00
Beth Carter, Man and Dog£9,600.00
Beth Carter, Messenger£4,000.00
Beth Carter, Minotaur (Holding Horn)£12,200.00
Beth Carter, Minotaur and Moth ¾ Study£4,200.00
Beth Carter, Monkey and Hare£18,000.00
Beth Carter, Pegasus£8,400.00
Beth Carter, Reading Minotaur VI£13,500.00
Beth Carter, Seated Bacchus with Vines£4,200.00
Beth Carter, Sleeping Minotaur ¾ Study£3,600.00
Beth Carter, Small Standing Donkey£2,250.00
Beth Carter, Standing Minotaur I£16,500.00
Beth Carter, Standing Minotaur II£9,000.00
Beth Carter, Standing Minotaur ¾ Study£5,400.00
Beth Carter, The Dunce£5,300.00
Beth Carter, The Innocents£7,950.00
Beth Carter, The Secret Keeper£2,400.00
Beth Carter, Theseus with Candle£5,900.00
Beth Carter, Winged Clown£4,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Blue Man's Head£7,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Boy and Bird£16,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Crab£7,000.00
Christopher Marvell, Criss Cross Owl£9,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Crow£10,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Duck on Wheels£7,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Early Morning Bird£4,750.00
Christopher Marvell, Explorer £4,000.00
Christopher Marvell, Flat Winged Owl
Christopher Marvell, Flying Songbird£9,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Green Birdman Head£16,500.00
Christopher Marvell, Hedgehog£8,500.00
Christopher Marvell, La Vie en Rose£9,500.00